business park


Die Gewerbeflächen am Airport werden von der IGZ vermarktet –

Airport & Business Park – our partner – IGZ Raum Lahr

igz-lahr_startklahr.deThe IGZ (Industry and Trade Center Lahr GmbH) was created to convert the major portion of the former Canadian Forces Base to civilian use. IGZ acts as the Landlord (or Lessor) of those buildings intended for further use, and coordinates the sale of the real estate. The entire area is located immediately adjacent to the A5 main Frankfurt to Basel autobahn.
The runway of Black Forest Airport Lahr is surrounded by approx. 280 hectares of industrial area, which is split into a western and an eastern area:

Westareal – western Area
approx. 220 ha of industrial development area.
IGZ is responsible for the servicing in this area. Settlements of dsv, FIEGE, TNT.

Ostareal – eastern Area
approx. 60 ha trading estate.
Owned by the city of Lahr. This includes preserved former military buildings, which are offered for purchase. Contact – IGZ Raum Lahr GmbH. Settlements of Schenker or DHL.